As we emerge from the latest Melbourne lockdown (let’s hope it’s the last), we’ve teamed up with Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM) to support Victorian members of the Australian Hotels Association - Victoria.
We’ve topped up the stock of Grainshaker Hand Made Australian Vodka in the ALM Victoria warehouse and are offering it to AHA Victoria members to provide some assistance as they resume trading.
Venues are requested to register their details for the program.
This is the latest initiative in TSI’s Goodwill Program and is the second time we have provided Grainshaker support to licensed venues in the state after an initial offering in late 2020.
It also follows an Australia-wide sanitiser program early last year when we adapted our Melbourne distillery and production facility to enable the manufacturing of sanitiser-grade ethanol to join the collective effort to provide the much needed product to the community, especially those on the front line of the COVID response.
Thousands of bottles of NED sanitiser and specially-created face masks were provided free of charge to individuals and organisations, as well as health workers and emergency services staff, including local Police and Country Fire Authority stations.